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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: northern waterthrush

pispis pronunciación

I. N

1. animal,fish,food drummer fish (little white) , [ESP] Tambor (pequeño)
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Pispis salpka tiiskiba pluuma. sauk u ankiingai ankuu. Nguu ki yuansiikka, anangskwi. Kansi anuungi, ankwiskama.
    The liittle white drummer is a small and white fish. They fish it with a hook. They catch it. When they bring it to the house they clean it. They fry it to eat it.
    El peuqeño pez tambor es pequeño y es un pez blanco. Lo pescan con anzuelo. Lo agarran. Cuando lo traen a la casa lo limpian. Lo fríen y lo comen.


2. animal,bird northern waterthrush


  • Investigadores Comunitarios:
    During dry weather childen
    catch large quantities of these small fish. For them it is a form of entertainment to go to the point on Rama Cay and fish for pispis.
    They also catch it to feed the dog.

    Durante el verano los niños Rama pescan grandes cantidades de estos pececitos, para ellos es una diversión ir a la punta de las islas a pescar pispis. También lo pescan para darle de comer a sus mascotas.
  • Etnográfica:
    Small lagoon/ocean fish, kind of slimy to eat. A common fish for children just "fishnin' about" in the lagoon to catch. Not as desirable as other fish, but eaten anyway. Looks like a small "raukrauk." It is always found "between shrimp," and plenty are caught while casting nets for chacalines during chacalin time (dry weather.)

    Pez de mar y lagunero, algo viscoso para comer. Un pez común que los niños agarran en la laguna para pescar. No es tan apetecido como otros peces, pero es comestible. Parece un “raukrauk” pequeño. Se encuentra siempre revuelto con los chacalines, y se atrapan muchos en las atarrayas durante la temporada de chacalines.

    As a bird, a robin-sized bird with a gray-brown back and broken stripes running down its chest. Delightful to watch bobbing and flicking its tail about as it searches for food among the rocks and plants at creekside.
    Would also refer to the Louisiana waterthrush, but only the northern waterthrush observed.
  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication common to animal names.
  • Léxica:
    Fish: Borrowing from Miskitu pispisya.
    Bird: Only heard pronounced "pishpish."